Advanced modes 高级模式 TAKEOFF 起飞
Auto Takeoff is set by the mission control scripting only. Throttle is manual (it respects the limits of the autopilot settings so if you have 65% throttle as the max, it will not go above 65%.) Once the plane is moving faster than a few m/s it will lock onto a heading and hold that heading until the desired altitude is reached.
自动起飞只有在飞行任务脚本中有效。油门是手控的,但仍然受到油门参数的限制。例如当油门限制参数是65%时,即使手动把油门推倒最大,也只有65%的输出值。 LAND 着陆
Auto Land is set by the mission control scripting only. Throttle is controlled by the autopilot. After getting closer than 30 meters, the course will lock to the current heading. Flare, throttle, flaps, gear, and other events can be scripted based on distance to landing point.