a series of pictures on how I made the nose piece for the 90 degree twin engine.......With the large round of aluminum , it is a waste of material, still the big round was given to me, so the waste cost me nothing.....
Some pictures of the engine, and where I am at today.....A quick assembly of the parts that I have made for the 90 degree V twin cylinder engine.
I hope to have the engine running for the MID-OHIO show, late October.....
I have been converting all of the metric dimensions to decimal, and then where I can I have been adding or taking a few thousands and changing over to our dimensions....I do not have the metric tooling that I need , and I do not want to buy all that I need......I am not redesigning the engine, just changing what I need to use our drills, taps, and reamers........I still need the heads, and carbs, so it will be a good amount of time before it is finished....
The engine is going well, and I think that it will be a good running engine.....My next parts that I am going to work on are the heads......It look as if they will be a challenge to build......Then the carbs. and then a "bunch" of small details......Like anyone else, the time to work on the engine is hard to find........I hope that you enjoy the pictures.....I have MANY more pictures.....I will keep sending you some pictures as the engine build progresses......Dale
gears for the cam drive transmission.........
Setting the cam lobes.......center of cam lobes are 45 degrees apart......Soft soldering the lobes to the shaft.....
I threaded the ends of the cam shafts....I am thinking that I may run the engine with spark ignition.....If I decide to do that, all that i have to do is drill the back of the blind bushing to get to the threads, and drive the magnet wheel for the ignition......
gears for the cam drive transmission.........The pinion gear was just a tube of teeth....I had to make the hub for it..............