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Taken from Helifreak.com. Video and commentary by the godfather of rc helis, Finless Bob :)
Tim Jones has built a Trex 700 electric conversion based around a prototype Castle Creations motor. The initial word was that the motor was putting out around 7 horsepowers.
How ever the last thing I heard about this insane motor (supposedly after some data logging was performed) it was putting out about 10 horsepowers(!). That's over 7000 watts of power output in a machine that weighs just over 5 kilos! Compare that to the stock nitro engine which produces about 3.4 hp (total fly weight here is somewhat lower though).
As an interesting side note (although a somewhat inappropriate comparison) one of the most powerful full scale helis in the world, the American millitary attack helicopter AH-64D Apache Longbow (i.e. the most powerful version) has a power to weight ratio of 0.773 horsepowers per kilo. Even in the wold of rc 3D helis that's powerful. That's how ever without any weapons, fuel or pilot. In the same way the full scale Bell222 (the Airwolf helicopter) has a ratio of 0.598 hp per kilo. Loaded and ready for combat the Apache has a power to weight ratio of 0.499 hp per kilo. Still very powerful.
How ever, assuming this Trex700E conversion heli weighs about the same as other electric conversions "The Beast" should be approaching 2 whole horsepowers per kilo! And that's with the heavy batteries installed.
A Trex 700 is about the length of a 3 seated sofa or couch. It's very big and normally moves like "a hog" compared to smaller sizes but Tim's conversion is like a finch. It's capable of moving around more like a 50 sized heli even though it's a 90 size.
Suffice to say... power to weight ratio on this thing is sick. By far the most powerful rc heli I've ever seen.
Be sure to view in HD and crank up the volume. The blade farts on this thing nicknamed "The Beast" are pure music. |