RFG4 Serial: 01113084-G4-3611193964
Interlink Elite Controller Serial: 3987906-I3-399835

RealFlight Add-Ons Volumes 1 & 2 now
available FREE for G4 users!
RealFlight Add-On 1 & 2 have been reworked for use with RealFlight G4. Even better, they are now available as free downloads! Numerous technical issues prevent the original Add-On disks from working with G4, but because we want G4 users to have access to this content, we're giving it away! The aircraft have been re-trimmed and the airports have been tweaked to look more like the original G1/G2 versions of RealFlight. Also, in cases where we updated an AO1 or AO2 aircraft (e.g. the Piper Cub) and made it a RealFlight G4 aircraft, the old version does not appear in the repackaged Add-On. All of the Add-On content is otherwise unmodified.
The repackaged Add-On volumes are only compatible with G4 version 4.00.051 or later. They will not work with RealFlight G3/G3.5, which already fully support the original Add-On disks (still available for purchase). This content is released as-is and we do not plan to make any further changes to it. To update G4 to the current version click the "Additional Options" tab from G4 Launcher.
Add-Ons 3, 4, and 5 will also be re-packaged for G4 and released for free when they are ready.
此Add包仅支持4.00.051或者更新的版本,不能用于G3或者G3.5,请大家注意。 安装方法: 用WinRAR解压缩文件,把解压缩得到的文件,复制或移动到“C:\Program Files\RealFlightG4\Data”中,这里是默认位置。根据你自己的G4安装的盘符路径来复制,然后再启动G4,在飞机和机场选项里就会出现新添加的机机和场景了。
更新一个新种子,包括了RealFlight G4 + 2 Addons + Dongle v3 1 + Update 4 00 051,一次搞定。 Realflight G4 Dongle Emulator v3.2 Supports Expansion Pack 5 新版的Emu,可以支持最新的扩展包 RealFlight Expansion Pack 5 新的扩展包增加以下的飞机: This is the RealFlight Expansion Pack 5 from Great Planes.
**Compatible only with RealFlight G4.**
Adds 18 new aircraft-10 Airplanes, 3 Seaplanes, 4 Rotary Wing (3 Helicopters, 1 Autogyro), and 1 Amphibious Aircraft (Flying Hydroplane) Three new flying sites
Great Planes Sukhoi SU-31
ElectriFly Reactor Bipe
Top Flite P-51 Mustang
Krill Katana
Great Planes 38% Extra 330S
Scale Sailplane RF-97
Great Planes P-40 Warhawk
Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
ElectriFly Pluma Bipe
Republic SeaBee
De Havilland Beaver
Dornier Do-24ATT
AH-64 Apache Helicopter
Align T-Rex 500 EP Helicopter
Synergy N9 Helicopter
Amphibious Aircraft:
Death Foil (flying hydroplane)
Flying Sites:
Sub Base - 3D
Obstacle Course 6 - 3D
Photofield Superstition Airpark