neosunrise 发表于 2013-9-24 04:13 
都说了在功率相同的情况下电流与电压成反比,如同高压输电一样的道 ...
Wake up!
C is discharge rate! Not discharge current! Discharge current is C*Capacity!
If you use a cell has only 50% of 3S's C and want to get 50% current of 3S's, you need to have a cell its capacity is same as 3S's cell. It means your 6S battery package will be twice big and weight as 3S's package!
The capacity is binded almost cell's size and weight!
Probably, you did not understand what my 48S picture saying. It says, Do not overdrive voltage drop on a 450 chop circuit! The wires you used in your 450 circuit are good enough for this purpose. You just can ignore the voltage drop!
Please do not mix C, capacity and discharge current, if you do, it will be a mess!