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3D Masters指定動作影片+中文說明(21~40)等视频出来了征集中文动作名称解释

发表于 2011-4-5 20:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
3D Masters指定動作影片+中文說明(21~40) 转自http://www.fly3dx.com/     
21 .Singapore Sling 09
Pirouetting Metronome with a stop and reversal of pirouette direction at each arc reversal. The Tailboom position at the point of reversal must be the same at each reversal of pirouette direction. At least 6 reversals are required to complete the manoeuvre. Judges will be looking for consistent stop points, accurate height control and at least 2 complete pirouettes per arc are required.

22 2Backwards Rolling 8
A horizontal figure 8 performed with backward aileron rolls. The lobes of the 8 will be centred on the judges view line and each lobe shall be a clearly defined full circle. The manoeuvre will exhibit accurate positioning and height control with a consistent rate of rolling.

23 2Tumbling 8
A horizontal figure 8 performed with either forward or backward tumbles. The lobes of the 8 will be begin and end on the judges eye line and each lobe shall be a clearly defined full circle. The manoeuvre will exhibit accurate positioning and constant height throughout with a consistent rate of tumbling and speed of traverse along the 8. Each tumble must exhibit a smooth rotation of the disk with no hesitation at any point

24 2Chaos Loop
The judges will be looking for an accurate, round, loop made from a travelling chaos. The Chaos pirouette rate should be fast and the more chaoses through the loop the better. 裁判门希望看到由行进中的自旋翻滚连接在一起构成精确的筋斗,自旋翻的速度应该尽可能的快,完成的自旋翻越多越好。

25 2 Cracking Chaos
A Sustained Chaos (minimum 10 seconds) performed while cyclic cracking. Artificial aids to cracking are NOT permitted; it must be done using the transmitter control stick. 在做连续的自旋翻(-10秒钟)的同时做周期螺距震颠,不允许有任何辅助设置来产生震颠,震颠必须由飞手用遥控器的操纵杆产生。

26 2Woggle
A forward-rolling horizontal circle joined at the farthest point from the judges to a vertical forward-rolling circle. Entry & exit points are immediately in front of the pilot. 一个前进横滚水平圆在最远一点接一个前进横滚垂直圆,进入和改出点应该在飞手前方

27 2K2 Auto*
               The K2 auto consists of an autorotational landing beginning with a 360 Aileron Roll, followed by a further half roll to inverted, and ending with a Forward Elevator Flip, which should be as low as the pilot is comfortable with. There must be a minimum fall of 25m in autorotation before the roll begins. The manoeuvre will show consistent height loss, uniform forward speed and land as close as possible to a marker positioned 3m in front of the pilot on the field centreline. 是由自旋着陆包含一个360度横滚跟著一个半横滚至翻转飞行姿态,接一个尽可能低的向前翻滚后着陆,横滚前必须要有一个至少25的自旋降落,高度下降和前进速度应该稳定,落点应尽可能靠近飞手前方的3

28 2.5Pirouetting Waltzer
This manoeuvre is a series of at least 4 tight dynamic Pirouetting Walls of Death smoothly combined with much larger radii arcs of Pirouetting Walls of death to form a circle. The helicopter must complete one complete circle centred on the judges’ eye-line. 这个动作是一个至少4个紧凑连续性的自旋转死亡幕墙系列,并且死亡墙形成一个更大的半径弧圈结合。这架直升机必须完成一个完整的居中对称的圆

29 2.5 Hammock
The model will enter the manoeuvre while continuously pirouetting and pull up to a vertical stall turn, at which point the direction of pirouetting will reverse and the direction of movement of the model will change to continue the next descent and climb to the next stall turn. There must be at least 8 peaks around the prescribed horizontal circuit.

30 2.5Serpent
A Pirouetting Snake flown as a series of arcs along the flightline with a 180 degree turn-around followed by the same number of arcs in the reverse direction down the flightline. At least 4 arcs in each direction, all arcs to be the same size, height and speed and the pirouette rate to remain constant. Each arc must be clearly presented as a distinct quarter-circuit or more with the disc close to the vertical.


[ 本帖最后由 菜鸟也会变老鸟 于 2011-4-16 21:41 编辑 ]


发表于 2011-4-16 22:43 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-16 21:06 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-5 20:54 | 只看该作者


速度慢了点不好意思 我也不是整体都有时间的 呵呵 晚上争取这点时间

[ 本帖最后由 菜鸟也会变老鸟 于 2011-4-5 21:10 编辑 ]
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