//#define SERVO_MIX_TILT
#define SERVO_TILT
/* The following lines enable pitch and roll servo streetching to values defined as TILT_MIN and TILT_MAX
This work only with haedware PWM's for gimbal servos (MEGA board with uncommented MEGA_HW_PWM_SERVOS option)
Tipical TILT_MIN should be about 500 and TILT_MAX abiut 2500 for 180 degres servo range */
//#define SERVO_STRETH
#define TILT_PITCH_MIN 1020 //servo travel min, don't set it below 1020 except mega HW pwm's is used
#define TILT_PITCH_MAX 2000 //servo travel max, max value=2000
#define TILT_PITCH_MIDDLE 1500 //servo neutral value
#define TILT_PITCH_PROP 10 //servo proportional (tied to angle) ; can be negative to invert movement
#define TILT_PITCH_AUX_CH AUX3 //AUX channel to overwrite CAM pitch (AUX1-AUX4), comment to disable manual input and free the AUX channel
#define TILT_ROLL_MIN 1020
#define TILT_ROLL_MAX 2000
#define TILT_ROLL_MIDDLE 1500
#define TILT_ROLL_PROP 10
#define TILT_ROLL_AUX_CH AUX4 //AUX channel to overwrite CAM Roll (AUX1-AUX4), comment to disable manual input and free the AUX channel