' 4 Channel radio control encoder, by G.Kuhn ZS1NZ
' Change nx value for more or less channels, compensate with Frame
Device 16F877 ' Using the 16F877
Declare XTAL 4 ' 4Mhz crystal
symbol pulse PortB.0 ' Pulse train out pin is PortB bit-0
Declare ADIN_TAD FRC ' Choose the RC osc for ADC samples
Declare ADIN_STIME 100 ' Allow 100us for charge time
Dim adcval as Word ' Variable to store ADC result
Dim nx as byte ' Variable for loop count
Dim trim as word ' Part of pulse length calculation
Dim out as word ' Part of pulse length calculation
Dim init as word ' Part of pulse length calculation
trisa = %11111111 ' Set port A all inputs
trisb = %11111110 ' Set port B.0 as output
ADCON1 = %10000000 ' Right justified result 10 bit value
trim = 1700 ' Fine tune pulse edge to edge length here
Again: for nx = 0 to 3 ' Loop to scan first 4 ADC's, can be 8
set pulse ' Make out pin high
adcval = adin nx ' Load AD value into variable
init = (((adcval+4)/2/2)*18)' Scale the result
'init = (((adcval+4)/4)*18) ' Les, why doesn't this work ?
out = init - trim ' Calculate output pulse
pauseus out ' Output pulse
low pulse ' Make out pin low
pauseus 400 ' Fixed off period for each stick
next nx ' Do this four times
set pulse ' Start of frame sync
Frame: pauseus 14000 ' Total frame length about 20 milliseconds
low pulse ' End of frame sync
goto again ' Repeat the scan
[ 本帖最后由 狐狸 于 2006-2-21 11:50 编辑 ] |