448 版本的 升级包约170多M, Carolbox 新款的模狗系列G3 支持 448 版本,也是市场上目前唯一支持448 版本的硬件模拟器。
从410 到 448 版本的变化
* Import/Export custom 3D aircraft models generated using the KEMax toolset, available as a download from knifeedge.com
* Import/Export other custom content, including color schemes, airports, panoramic images, etc. using new .G3X archive format
* Manage User Files dialog to assist with managing custom content (provides built-in copy/rename/delete/export functionality)
* Automatic reset and reset delay after breakapart
* Improved smoke behavior when near the ground
* New SkyShip blimp model
* New electric engine sound profile - medium brushless with planetary gearbox
* Folding prop, includes prop braking model and speed controller model
* APC Slow Flyer prop
* Changed grouping options in airport/aircraft selection dialogs, new options are easier and more intuitive
* Changed color scheme file naming convention to be more flexible and consistent, and to facilitate sharing
* Several advanced flight parameters, including wetted fuselage area, post stall lift and drag coefficients, lateral drag, helical airflow, prop wash characteristics, etc.
* Top and bottom airfoil type selection for fuselage allows fuselage lift tuning
* Mass Scaling Factor allows user to better tune aircraft that are large or have a low wingloading
* Improved accuracy of airflow path calculations and reversed airflow model
* Crash reporting mechanism
* Error reporting for missing resources
* Support for Expansion Pack 1
* Launcher: serial numbers are excluded from tech support output by default, use checkbox to include them
* Crash when selecting an aircraft from the MRU whose base vehicle was renamed or deleted
* Crash when importing a panoramic image while in fullscreen mode
* Multiplayer: crash when using malformed aircraft
* Multiplayer: possible to get deadlock in Join dialog
* Filenames longer than 128 characters cause numerous problems
* Crash can occur if a file fails to open
* Lift component applies lift at vehicle center of mass instead of lift component location
* Aircraft can get caught in looping pattern around trees
* Brakes apply force in incorrect direction, have improper effect on steering
* Breakoff is unpredictable
* Helicopter skids exhibit no friction after a breakapart event
* Heli blades break off in incorrect orientation
* Recordings do not save correct position and orientation of broken off pieces
* Microturbulence is at 50% by default, should be 0%
* Very high speed aircraft exhibit oscillation
* Washout calculations for wings are incorrect
* Wing downwash behavior needs improvement
* Prop wash velocity and fade characteristics need improvement
* Electric motors don't die after the prop strikes the ground
* Prop strikes are not always detected
* Very small forces and impulses, such as those critical for the stability of very light planes and breakoff pieces, are ignored
* Brightness setting does not affect PhotoFields
* Sim sometimes renders into the area vacated by an MFC dialog that has been closed, instead of rendering to the entire screen
* "Restore Original Value" doesn't always take effect immediately
* Torque curve editor: certain conditions cause the sim to hang
* Torque curve editor: unreasonable resampling values are allowed
* Torque curve editor: negative torque values are allowed
* NavGuide parameters related to electric engines display incorrect information when using glow engines
* Aircraft Editor: in fullscreen it's possible to cause the aircraft viewport to cover the entire screen and then crash on exit
* Airport Editor: in certain cases, overwriting an existing airport is not allowed
* Airport Editor: after deselecting all panes from Window menu, Reset Window Positions does not bring Pilot Preview back
* MultiMode: Remember/Clear Aircraft Position missing from menu
* MultiMode: Recordings should be disabled, but hotkey still activates them
* Aqueduct airport object spelling fixed
* Misc. other physics optimizations
* Launcher: uninstall should clean up extraneous items installed by legacy products
* Launcher: fails silently if unable to locate program to run, should display error message
* Renamed Classic Cruiser back to Cessna 182
* Wright Flyer: edited to make it much easier to fly
* Taylor Craft (AO4): main wheels now rotate on correct axis
* Dominion 3D: tail rotor now set up correctly
* Fixed fuel consumption rates on several turbine aircraft
* 3D aircraft have been retuned for greater stability in high alpha
* All aircraft have been retrimmed for hands-off flight at cruising speed
* Adjusted incidence on "slow flyer" and trainer aircraft to provide positive pitch stability
* Yak-54 and other 3D aircraft retuned by Team Futaba pilots John Glezellis and Sean McMurtry
* Aircraft given numeric names cause trouble with the MRU menus and other aspects of the sim. Avoid numeric names with all resources.
* Helis spin unrealistically during spool up.
* RealFlight G3 is not compatible with all video cards. Refer to the video card compatibility list at knifeedge.com for more information.
* After a breakapart, broken components sometimes respond unrealistically to collisions with the ground.
* Some aircraft exhibit rolling tendencies during take off due to excessive engine torque.
* Helis and other aircraft sometimes sink into the ground slightly due to a bug in the collision mesh code. A restart usually clears this up.
* Color schemes that are edited while the sim is running do not reload upon request. Restart the sim to see your changes.
* Color schemes saved in this version of RealFlight G3 (.430) will not work with previous versions.
* Aircraft tuned using the advanced options found in this version of RealFlight G3 will not fly the same in previous versions.
* ElectriFly RimFire series electric motors
* More Axi electric motors
* More lithium polymer cells (910, 1320, and 2100 mAh)
* More standard size heli blades (600, 680, 690, 700, 710, and 720mm)
* Fluxomenic Hydroionic Drive and Hydroionic Cell: prototype motor and battery slated for release Summer 2056
* Allow aircraft to spawn vertically based on their configuration
* Disabled auto-reset after crash by default
* Support for Expansion Pack 2
* Aircraft behave more realistically while rolling and while stationary
* Pieces of aircraft settle realistically on the ground after breaking off
* Aircraft Editor: Reload Color Scheme menu item works again
* Heli main rotor bark sounds and tail rotor sounds are included in recordings and multiplayer
* Turbine driven props/rotors stop spinning after a crash
* MultiMode: Assigns available InterLink to player instead of disconnected transmitter
* "OK" button is disabled when VFI selection dialog first appears
* Battleship (AO4): Invisible rocks and table on island made visible
* Flight School: Invisible section of curb made visible
* Lighthouse (AO3): Windmill object spins and responds to wind direction
* Painted Canyon (AO4): Champaign Hut object always loads windsock texture successfully
* Misc. other ground handling and breakapart fixes
* Misc. aircraft and airport description fixes
* Misc. airport object folder hierarchy and naming improvements
* Launcher: Technical Support dialog displays EP1 serial number
* 1903 Wright Flyer: Motors are now a matching pair of "Wright Flyer" engines
* Bell 222 (both variants): Physics and visual tail boom now line up properly
* Foiler (both variants): Physics and visual canopy and tail boom components now line up properly
* Huey: Fixed problems with Idle Up 1 mode and throttle curve
* Ion-X (EP1): Increased number of battery cells from 5 to 10 (heli uses 2 5-cell packs)
* Ion-X (EP1): Made rotor head more accurate, fixed a crash that could occur when blades break off
* MX400 (EP1): Motor has a sound profile instead of just rotor noise
* P-38 (AO3): Increased strength multiplier for wings, fuselages, and horizontal tail
* P-47 (AO3): Left landing gear now breaks off with wing
* Schweizer: Physics and visual paddles now line up properly
* SkyShip: Breakoff texture added where fins attach to body
* Sopwith Camel (Electric) (AO2): Always uses correct airfoil
* Space Walker (both variants): Physics and visual tail gear now line up properly
* Spritzer (4-stroke heli): Physics and visual landing skids and horizontal fins now line up properly
* Yak-54 (With Gyro): Reduced rudder throw |