根据大疆官方消息。4月1日,大疆向美国加州中区联邦地方法院起诉昊翔国际有限公司(Yuneec International Co. Ltd)及昊翔美国公司(Yuneec USA)侵犯其在美国获得授权的专利。
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这条新闻国内已经有很多报道了Global君就不跟风了,本文仅就几个网友咨询Global君的问题做简单解答。 1.为啥不在中国告?
原因3:(好吧,这是最重要也最现实的原因)两个专利(一个是自动追踪拍摄对象,一个是可更换云台),都还没中国授权呢,怎么告? 别说授权了,连中国局的公开都没公开呢。
说到这里就不得不为大疆专利申请的同仁点赞了,涉案的两个专利虽然发明人都是中国人,但是都采取了直接英文撰写并递交sipo的方式,且说明书均有100页左右,可见撰写质量之高。(一个是US 9,164,506,申请日2014年7月,WO英文公开为WO2016015251A1,还没有进中国国家阶段且没有中文公开;另一个是9,280,038,申请日2014年4月,WO英文公开为WO2015165022A1,还没有进中国国家阶段且没有中文公开)。为什么两个专利还没进中国国家阶段,就已经在美国这么快授权了?我会告诉你大疆用了Trackone吗?有兴趣的去global dossier看去吧。【专利圈最强福利】USPTO的全球专利案卷系统Global Dossier正式启用 。对Trackone(美国优先审查程序)有兴趣的也请耐心点,节后Global君找时间给大家详细介绍。
原因1:人怕出名......昊翔yuneec近一年来在各种媒体(特别是国外媒体)上以“大疆威胁者”的身份频频亮相,《The verge》发文称昊翔是“first major contender for DJI's crown(大疆王权的第一大威胁者)”。Engadget也撰文说昊翔是“a direct rival to DJI”,Cinema5D则称其为“a serious contender to DJI’s Prosumer lineup”。更有甚者则直接称其为“DJI Killer”。在2016年的CES上,昊翔和Intel联手发布了新型号无人机Typhoon H(昊翔已获得Intel 6000万美金的投资),该机型与大疆的精灵4均被列为目前最好的自动避障经济型无人机。
3.大疆胜算如何? 美国诉讼的胜算好像没人能够预测吧?Global君只能说大疆为了这场诉讼做了充分的准备,请了Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati作为代理事务所,这家所曾经代理过HP、Amazon、Google等美国大公司,专利诉讼经验很丰富。而且大疆在诉状后面的附件中,不仅指出了昊翔产品的抄袭之处,还针对US 9,164,506的权利要求1和6、US 9,280,038权利要求1和4都做了详细的Claim Chart,以供法院参考,可见是有备而来。且看昊翔如何应对了。
(大疆无人机的Active tracking主动跟踪功能)
(昊翔无人机的watch me and follow me功能) 最后附上涉案的核心权利要求:US 9,164,506的权利要求1和6、US 9,280,038权利要求1和4。
1. A system for controlling an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), comprising: one or more receivers, individually or collectively, configured to receive from a remote user (1) one or more navigation commands to move the UAV along a flight path, and (2) target information of a target to be tracked by an imaging device on the UAV; and one or more processors, individually or collectively, configured to track the target according to the target information by automatically adjusting at least one of the UAV or the imaging device while the UAV moves along the flight path according to the one or more navigation commands from the remote user, wherein the one or more processors, individually or collectively, make a determination to adjust 1) the UAV, 2) the imaging device, or 3) both the UAV and the imaging device, wherein said determination is dependent upon a) number of rotational axes of the imaging device and orientation of said rotational axes relative to the UAV; b) a navigation path of the UAV; or c) a maximum angular speed allowable for the UAV or the imaging device.
6. The system of claim 1, wherein the UAV comprises a plurality of rotors configured to generate lift for the UAV.
1. A platform for interchangeably mounting a payload to a base support, the platform comprising: a support assembly configured to be coupled to the payload via a first coupling and configured to control a spatial disposition of the payload; and a mounting assembly that is (a) coupled to the support assembly and (b) configured to be releasably coupled via a second coupling to a plurality of types of base supports selected from at least two of the following: an aerial vehicle, a handheld support, or a base adapter mounted onto a movable object, wherein the second coupling is a quick release coupling enabling the plurality of types of base supports to be manually coupled and decoupled from the mounting assembly.
4. The platform of claim 1, wherein the mounting assembly is electrically coupled to the base support.
文章来源于公众号: Global IP-作者Global IP Update