
5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)
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发表于 2003-6-16 07:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
第一级(Level I)
  Level I is the most basic of the program and is characterized by the pilot becoming SAFE and Proficient in the Hover and its related phases. Pilot position for most of the maneuvers shall be from the position of Tail-in towards the pilot.
   The take-off should be performed straight up from the landing area, at a constant rate of climb, with little lateral deviations. Come to a complete stop without any vertical bounce or dip, and little to no lateral wobble or drifting. The landing area is defined as a 1 meter diameter circle.

二.Stationary Hover(静止停悬)
   1. After the take-off, coming to a complete stop with little to no vertical bounce, dip, lateral drifting or wobble.
   2.Hold in the Stationary Hover for one (1) minute.
   3.The Stationary Hover should give the appearance of being under total control.

三.Hover Laterally(水平移动)
   1.From take-off area hover forward ten (10) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
   2.From there hover backward twenty (20) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
   3.From there hove forward ten (10) feet until you are over the landing area, then hover to the left ten (10) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
   4.From there hover to the right twenty (20) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
   5.From there hove back to the left ten (10) feet until you are over the landing area.
   6.Land with the skids completely within the landing area.

四.Multiple-level Hover(多重高度停悬)
   1.Take-off, hover for five (5) seconds.
   2.Climb straight up two (2) meters, hold for five (5) seconds.
   3.Descend vertically two (2) meters, hold for five (5) seconds.
   4.Land with the skids completely within the landing area.
五.3/4 Rear View Hovering(45°角停悬)
   1.Take-off to Hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   2.Rotate nose of helicopter either left or right forty-five (45) degrees, hold for five (5) seconds.
   3.Rotate the nose of the helicopter back to straight ahead, hold for five (5) seconds.
   4.Continue rotating the nose of the helicopter forty-five (45) degrees to the other side, hold for five (5) seconds.
   5.Rotate the nose back to straight ahead, hold for five (5) seconds.
   6.Land with the skids completely within the landing area.

六.Full Lateral View Hovering(侧面停悬)
   Same as 3/4 View Hovering, but in steps 2 and 4 rotate ninety (90) degrees instead of forty-five (45) degrees.

七.Diagonal Hovering(对角停悬)
   1.After take-off from the landing area within center of a 10 meter/yard box, from Stationary Hover, maintaining a constant heading, move the helicopter diagonally to a corner of the box, hold for five (5) seconds, then return to the center of the box.
   2.Repeat with the remaining 3 corners of the box.
   3.Land with the skids completely within the landing area.

八.Circle Hovering
   1.Tail-in Circle(机头向外水平圆)
     A.Take-off, hold hover for five (5) seconds.
     B.Move the helicopter to the right, keeping the tail pointed at the pilot, in a circle    around the pilot. Until the helicopter is hovering over the take-off point.
       保持机尾朝向操控者,以操控者为圆心,以顺时针的方向,执行直径10公尺的水平圆。直到直升   机到达起飞点的上空。
     C.Move the helicopter to the left, repeating step b above.
     D.Land with the skids completely within the landing area.

   2.Constant Heading Circle(机头定向水平圆)
     A.Take-off, hold hover for five (5) seconds.
     B.Move the helicopter to the right, keeping the tail pointed in the same direction, in    a ten (10) meter circle in front of the pilot. Until the helicopter is hovering over the    take-off point.
      保持机头朝固定的方向,在操控者的前面以顺时针的方向,执行直径10公尺的水平圆。直到直升机  到达起飞点的上空。
     C.Move the helicopter to the left, repeating step b above.
     D.Land with the skids completely within the landing area.


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