
5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)
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发表于 2003-6-18 05:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
第四级(Level IV)
     Level IV is an advanced level of proficiency and completion of this level takes the pilot to the level of a pilot capable of performing the beyond the basics of Inverted Flight. Intrinsic to this level is successfully completing all components of the previous levels, then advancing to the ability to control the helicopter in these new orientations. Please use extreme caution when performing these advanced maneuvers, the pilots and spectators safety is of utmost importance.
Sustained Inverted Flight(倒飞水平圆)
   1.With the helicopter inverted fly at least one (1) clockwise and one (1) counterclockwise circuit around your flying area.
   2.The idea is to learn control the helicopter as it is turning towards you and away form you.

Sustained Inverted Hover(倒飞停悬)
   1.With the helicopter inverted and no more than ten (10) yards/meters above the landing area hover nose out, hold for ten (10) seconds.
   2.With the helicopter inverted and no more than ten (10) yards/meters above the landing area hover nose in, hold for ten (10) seconds.

Inverted Pirouettes(倒飞原地旋转)
   1.With the helicopter inverted and no more than ten (10) yards/meters above the landing area hover nose out, hold for ten (10) seconds.
   2.While maintaining a constant altitude use the tail rolor to rotate the helicopter clockwise  90 degrees, hold for ten (10) seconds.
   3.While maintaining a constant altitude use the tail rolor to rotate the helicopter clockwise  90 degrees, the helicopter will now be Nose-In, hold for ten (10) seconds.
   4.While maintaining a constant altitude use the tail rolor to rotate the helicopter clockwise  90 degrees, hold for ten (10) seconds.
   5.While maintaining a constant altitude use the tail rolor to rotate the helicopter clockwise  90 degrees, the helicoper will back to Nose-Out, hold for ten (10) seconds.
   6.Repeat but rotate the helicopter counterclockwise.

Inverted Figure of Eight - Flying(倒飞水平8字飞行)
   1.With the helicopter is flying straight and level inverted after it passes the pilot, make a 270 degree turn away from the pilot, the helicopter will now be pointed directly at the pilot.
   2.After the helicopter is pointing at the pilot, execute a 360 degree turn, in the opposite direction. The helicopter will again be pointing directly at the pilot.
   3.After the helicopter is pointing at the pilot again, execute a 90 degree turn, in the same direction as the first 270 degree turn.
   4.This maneuver must be done starting from both left to right (first 270 degree turn to the left, counterclockwise) and right to left (first 270 degree turn to the right, clockwise).

Consecutive Stationary Rolls(连续侧滚)
   1.With the helicopter hovering Tail-In, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the right.
   2.With the helicopter hovering Tail-In, add left cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the left.
   3.With the helicopter hovering Nose-In, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the right.
   4.With the helicopter hovering Nose-In, add left cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the left.

Auto 180 Degree Autorotation(180°熄火降落)
   1.Starting from an altitude of no less than twenty (20) meters and on a heading parallel to the flight line, start your Autorotation.
   2.Try for a smooth constant rate of descent directly to a one (1) meter landing circle.
   3.The helicopter must complete a 180 degree turn after the Autorotation has started.
   4.All of the helicopter landing skids must be within the landing circle.
   5.This maneuver must be done starting from the right and from the left of the pilot, and the 180 degree turn must be done both clockwise and counterclockwise from each directon. The pilot may stand anywhere they wish during this maneuver.
    分别由操控者的右侧及左侧开始执行,并且180°转弯的动作必须以顺时针及逆时针的方向各执行一次,操控者可以站在任意 地方执行熄火降落。

Flips Forward(前滚翻)
   1.With the helicopter hovering Tail-In, add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Nose-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   2.From this inverted Nose-In hover, add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Tail-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   3.With the helicopter hovering Nose-In, add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Tail-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   4.From this inverted Tail-In hover, add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Nose-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.

Flips Backward(後滚翻)
   1.With the helicopter hovering Tail-In, add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Nose-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   2.From this inverted Nose-In hover, add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Tail-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   3.With the helicopter hovering Nose-In, add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Tail-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   4.From this inverted Tail-In hover, add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Nose-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.

Flips Laterally(侧滚翻)
   1.With the helicopter hovering Nose-Left, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Nose-Left hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   2.From this inverted Nose-Left hover, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Nose-Left hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   3.Repeat but use left cyclic instead of right cyclic.
   4.With the helicopter hovering Nose-Right, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Nose-Right hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   5.From this inverted Nose-Right hover, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Nose-Right hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
   6.Repeat but use left cyclic instead of right cyclic.

Rolling Circle(侧滚水平圆)
   1.Fly a clockwise circle while rolling the helicopter to the right.
   2.Repeat flying a clockwise circle, but this time rolling the helicopter to the left.
   3.Fly a counterclockwise circle while rolling the helicopter to the right.
   4.Repeat flying a counterclockwise circle, but this time rolling the helicopter to the left.

   1.With the helicopter hovering Tail-In pull back cyclic, and work the collective to complete at least two (2) full back tumbles while maintaining a constant altitude and heading. Stop the helicopter in a stable Tail-In hover.
   2.Repeat push forward cyclic completing a minimum of two (2) forward tumbles.
   3.With the helicopter hovering Nose-In pull back cyclic, and work the collective to complete at least two (2) full back tumbles while maintaining a constant altitude and heading. Stop the helicopter in a stable Nose-In hover.
   4.Repeat push forward cyclic completing a minimum of two (2) forward tumbles.
   5.Fly straight and level form left to right as the helicopter is just about in front of the pilot, pull back cyclic, adjust the collective to maintain constant altitude and speed and hold the back cyclic as the helicopter completes one (1) full traveling tumbling back flip to upright. Fly away straight and level.
   6.Repeat but start flying from right to left.
   7.Fly straight and level from left to right at a moderate speed as the helicopter is just about in front of the pilot, add extra collective momentarily, then simultaneously push forward cyclic, and adjust the collective to maintain constant altitude and speed and hold the forward cyclic until the helicopter completes one (1) full traveling tumbling front flip to upright. Fly away straight and level.
   8.Repeat but start flying form right to left.


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