STM32F405 168mhz 32bit arm cortex-m4 cpu with fpu, 192k ram and 1024k flash
invensense MPU6000 3-axis accel and 3-axis gyro sensor
honeywell HMC5883L 3-axis compass
meas-spec MS5611 high precision barometer
32mbit spi flash memory
up to 8 x pwm input, 1 x ppm input, up to 16 x pwm output
up to 5 x uart, 2 x i2c, sbus, dsmx, mini usb, swd
50x50mm board size, 45x45mm mikrokopter style mounting
schematics at
sourcecode at
binaries at
answers at
support at
preliminary manual english, german
open hardware licensed under
design and manufacturing are Made in Germany 作者: cartoonsky 时间: 2013-4-21 22:13
有感觉~~~~~~~~~~ 作者: NeoLu 时间: 2013-4-22 00:01
小区里GPS没有3d 定位,有空去外场看看 定点效果