9楼正解作者: jiaoyuejin 时间: 2012-3-27 09:55 标题: 哈哈! 主旋翼半径!!!!作者: 风林火山 时间: 2012-3-27 10:05 标题: 和楼上持相同观点! :em04:作者: maojiaqiu 时间: 2012-3-27 10:08 标题: 回复 12楼 jiaoyuejin 的帖子 应该是以前的有刷电机, 450大奖半径325哈:em15:作者: maojiaqiu 时间: 2012-3-27 10:09 标题: 回复 沙发 鹏程1986 的帖子 谢谢:em15: 长知识了作者: 天崖 时间: 2012-3-27 11:29
主尾轴距离:em26:作者: 大碗喝酒 时间: 2012-3-27 11:46
伤到人流血的毫升数作者: phli 时间: 2012-3-27 12:36
是主轴到尾轴的距离作者: 62513747 时间: 2012-3-27 12:38
250 450 500是根据主轴 尾轴之间的距离定的 所以才有450改480一说 600 700 800是根据桨的尺寸定的!作者: lolita66 时间: 2012-3-27 12:46
就是个代号吧。。。各种说法都有 不知道哪个是正确答 案作者: iamnerd 时间: 2012-3-27 12:55
The size classes come from an old convention of naming things based on the size of the motor... not the power or anything, the actual physical size of the motor. A 400-size motor used to be a well-known thing - there is a pylon racing class called "Speed 400" which requires the use of a 400-size motor. With brushless motors now on the market though, a 400-size motor can be way more powerful than the old brushed motors, and still be technically a 400-size motor.
Now obviously, running one of those in a Speed 400 race against guys using the Cobalt 400... is gonna be a little unfair. So really, the classes don't mean a whole lot of anything anymore, but they have a historical meaning.
These days though, the size classes are still used, and while they are somewhat ambiguous, they are less useless than the class names such as "mini" and "micro"
And as has been pointed out, the best objective comparison method is to use blade size.