A:关于12N配磁的问题是从看英文维基百科查来的,网址http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outrunner。上面呢只提到了12N8P。我个人认为,虽然电流不经过磁铁,但是磁铁数(P)少了,我想必然是会影响电机扭力和带负载输出情况的。P越少,我想扭力越小,但是可能转速越高。维基百科上明确说了14P转速小于10P小于8P。原文:12N, 16P - A not so common but still used style. It has been overshadowed by the 12N, 14P. Winding pattern is ABCABCABCABC
12N, 10P - Higher speed variant of the DLRK motor. Occasionally found in helicopter motors. Winding Pattern is AabBCcaABbcC (lowercase implies reverse in winding direction).
12N, 8P - Even higher speed than the 12N, 10P. Winding pattern is ABCABCABCABC”
B :转轴和扇叶连接处的确十分单薄。。。哎,这个是没办法改变的痛