5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)

标题: futaba 控里面 swash 斜盘菜单设定探讨. [打印本页]

作者: 机翼    时间: 2010-3-12 12:16
标题: futaba 控里面 swash 斜盘菜单设定探讨.
昨天在14MZ主页看到一份 斜盘swash 具体设定的文章,感觉对直机的设定很有帮助,翻译了一下,与大家分享.写的不对的地方请包涵
该功能设定适用于 8fg 12fg 12z 14mz.

Set Up Steps:
1. Enter the SERVO MONITOR menu under LINKAGE. Select NEUTRAL TEST and turn it on. This locks the model's servo in exact neutral, which is vital to eCCPM set up. Under the ATV and Subtrim menus, all values for the servos/channels driving the swashplate should be set to 100% (ATV), 155% (LIMIT for ATV), and ZERO for Subtrim.
所有的舵机中点归零!ATV 100,LIMIT 155

2. Locate the mounting point for each ball link on the servo driving the swashplate at EXACTLY ninety degrees relatively to horizontal. Theoretically, this should be ninety degrees to the long axis of the servo's case. In achieving this geometry, the use of subtrim should be avoided if at all possible.

3. Adjust the pushrods going from the swashplate control servos to the bellcranks (if present on the model) so that the bellcranks are exactly square and perpendicular. 这段没有看懂.
4. Adjust the pushrods going from the bellcranks to the swashplate so the swashplate is EXACTLY level and square to the models mainshaft from all orientations. At this point, set the desired half stick collective pitch in the rotor blades. For a 3D model, this will be ZERO degrees. For a contest model, the center stick position may be plus a few degrees depending on pilot preference.

5. Going back to the SERVO MONITOR menu, turn off the NEUTRAL test function. Within LINKAGE screen, enter the SWASH menu. There you will see NEUTRAL POINT and SWASH AFR.

Under usual circumstances, the NEUTRAL POINT menu will not need to be manipulated. Per your model manufacturer's recommendations or your own preferences, set the AILERON SWASH AFR for the MAXIMUM desired amount of aileron cyclic (roll) pitch. 6-7 degrees is a good starting point. Repeat this for the ELEVATOR SWASH AFR. 6-7 degrees is a good starting point here as well. The PITCH AFR sets the TOTAL number of degrees of collective pitch range that the model has. For most models, the total range should be between 20-22 degrees of total pitch.
   NEUTRAL POINT 通常是不需要进行调整的. SWASH AFR.调整升降,副翼及浆角的最大值. 副翼及升降通常在6-7度.而浆角通常在20-22度.注意,这里是正负最大值绝对值之和.

6. Touch the SWASH DETAIL button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Move the collective stick up and down and note how the boxes on the various mixing function alternately become highlighted. When a box goes white, it is open for adjustment.

7. Place the collective stick at maximum pitch. Adjust the highlighted box under PIT to AIL until the swash sits level WHEN VIEWED FROM THE FRONT OR BACK OF THE MODEL. Lower the collective stick fully. Using the now highlighted box next to the one that you just adjusted, repeat the procedure once again viewing the model from either the front or rear.
将浆角推倒最大处.进入PIT to AIL菜单,从飞机的前面或后面看,调整数据使斜盘水平或与主轴垂直; 将浆角推倒最小处.进入PIT to AIL菜单,从飞机的前面或后面看,调整数据使斜盘水平或与主轴垂直;

8. Return the collective stick to maximum. Adjust the highlighted PIT to ELE box until the swash sits perfectly level WHEN VIEWED FROM EITHER SIDE OF THE MODEL. Lower the collective stick fully as before and repeat this procedure for the now highlighted box, once again adjusting for a level swash when viewed from the side of the model.
再将浆角推倒最大处.进入PIT to ELE菜单,从飞机的左面或右面看,调整数据使斜盘水平或与主轴垂直; 将浆角推倒最小处.进入PIT to ELE菜单,从飞机的左侧面或右侧面看,调整数据使斜盘水平或与主轴垂直;

9. Position the collective stick to half. Move the elevator back and forth and watch as the ELE to PIT adjustment boxes in the MIXING RATE area flash back and forth. Also note the center pivot ball of the swashplate is likely moving up and down a bit as you apply the fore and aft elevator command. Adjust the highlighted box in the ELE to PIT menu so the fore and aft elevator commands do NOT cause the swashplate's center pivot ball to move up and down.
退油门使浆角回归中点(油门中点),进入ELE to PIT菜单, 向前及向后推升降舵,细心观察斜盘中的金属球中点是否上下移动,调整对应的参数使升降舵的向前向后推都不会导致金属球中点上下移动.

The AIL to PIT adjustments can be found to flash back and forth as left or right aileron commands are input. The collective stick should still be at half. Similar to the way the swashplate's center pivot ball moved up and down with elevator commands, left and right aileron commands may cause the same movement. After determining which adjustment box corresponds to left and right, adjust each as needed until the swashplate's center pivot ball no long rises and/or falls with an aileron command.
进入AIL to PIT菜单, 向左及向右推副翼,细心观察斜盘中的金属球中点是否上下移动,调整对应的参数使副翼舵的向左及向右推都不会导致金属球中点上下移动.
After adjusting the ELE to PIT and AIL to PIT functions, the swashplate's center ball should remain more or less still when aileron or elevator commands are input at the half collective stick position.
在调整完ELE to PIT and AIL to PIT功能后,当油门在中位时,我们移动升降及副翼舵杆,斜盘的中点圆球应该不动或动作轻微.

11. The final MIXING RATE function to adjust is the ELE to AIL. With the collective stick still at half, move the elevator stick back and forth while viewing the model from the front or rear. The goal here is to have the swash remain level as to tilts back and forth with the elevator command. By nature, it is more difficult to tell if the swash is tilting left or right with the elevator commands. Here is a tip to help make the tilt, if present, more visible. (这段没有看懂:Rotate your model's rotorhead so the flybar is oriented EXACTLY parallel to the tail boom. Repeat the up and down elevator commands. If you note the flybar paddles moving as the elevator commands are input, then the swashplate is also tilting left and right. Adjust either one or both of the ELE to AIL adjustment boxes until the flybar paddles remain more or less motionless while elevator commands are input. Again, it is VERY important that the flybar be oriented exactly parallel to the tail boom for procedure to be accurate.)
最后调整ELE to AIL,我们的目标是把油门至于中位,向前及向后移动升降舵,在飞机前面或后面看两个副翼连线是否都是水平的(或是否保持与主轴垂直).但是我们是当移动升降时很难用肉眼看出两个副翼连线是否都是水平的,(我是用水平尺架在两个副翼连杆上,先通过调整飞机机体使水平尺水平.然后移动升降舵,看水平尺的状态,调整参数,使前后移动升降舵,水平尺均保持水平.)

In simplest terms, the LINKAGE COMPENSATION functions are used to adjust out interactions that occur at high and low collective ranges. Place the collective stick at maximum. Move the aileron control left and right and note the way the swashplate's center pivot ball moves up and down. Adjust the boxes corresponding to left and right aileron commands under AILERON until the swashplate's center pivot ball sits more or less motionless when left and right aileron commands are input. Repeat this same procedure for the aileron commands when the collective stick is at full low. You may need to play around with the values in multiples greater than one until you get things close, then go one percent at a time until you get it just right. The radio will allow you to get things just about perfect, so be patient.
接下来是LINKAGE COMPENSATION功能,主要是调整浆角在最大及最小值时各舵之间的相互间干扰.首先推浆角最大处,左右移动副翼,细心观察斜盘的中点圆球中心是否存在上下移动.调整对应参数.使左右移动副翼时斜盘的中点圆球中心不会上下移动.再把浆角放到最低,进行以上同样的调整,调整过程需要耐心.
The ELEVATOR adjustments under LINKAGE COMPENSATION work exactly as they did for aileron, except here you adjust the highlighted boxes as needed until your swashplate's center pivot ball sits more or less motionless at full high or low collective stick positions when elevator commands are input. When the AILERON and ELEVATOR commands under LINKAGE COMPENSATION are correctly adjusted, your swashplate's center pivot ball will remain basically still at high or low collective positions as you apply aileron and/or elevator commands.
   接下来是ELEVATOR 的调整,调整方法是与上面的副翼的调整过程一样的.
The last swashplate tuning feature to adjust is the SPEED COMPENSATION. This feature adjusts out interactions inherent to 120 degree eCCPM when RAPID elevator commands are input. A good starting value is 15%. Adjust this percentage up or down until your swashplate's center pivot ball stays more or less still as you cycle the elevator stick back and forth. Try to move the stick back and forth at some reasonably realistic and consistent rate to most accurately fine tune this adjustment.
最后要调整的是SPEED COMPENSATION.,速度补偿.这个功能,这个功能是120度斜盘飞机必须调整的.由于120度斜盘结构的原因,升降舵与副翼舵的行程有效度是不一致的.一个比较号的初值为15%,副翼舵机滞后15%的延时.调整方法是前后移动升降舵,细心观察斜盘中的金属球中点是否存在由于副翼舵机与升降舵机不同步产生的上下的移动.

[ 本帖最后由 机翼 于 2010-3-12 12:44 编辑 ]
作者: 第三支羽毛    时间: 2010-3-12 12:53
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感谢分享 :em00:
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作者: 牛魔王    时间: 2010-3-13 13:24
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作者: happyskybaby    时间: 2010-3-15 13:47
还有IDEL不是应该是慢车的意思吗?还有swash AFR是个什么功能?跟D/R有啥区别?
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留个记号 收藏到起 晚上回去重调飞机
作者: 牛魔王    时间: 2010-3-17 17:44
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细致入微:em26:                 :em19:
作者: 牛魔王    时间: 2010-3-28 11:47
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作者: hjt789    时间: 2010-4-7 08:25
好东西  非常好

对飞机的稳定性 和 打舵对飞机的准确性

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作者: BOMEN    时间: 2010-4-9 00:56
作者: zzl1974    时间: 2010-4-9 21:48
好好的帖:em26: :em26: :em26:
作者: jiayong99    时间: 2010-4-11 16:52
作者: 冰淇凌    时间: 2010-4-12 20:56
作者: whf111    时间: 2012-1-4 09:41

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