5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)

标题: 老外看到我玩飞机时问的问题 [打印本页]

作者: 切风40.83    时间: 2009-9-9 08:20
标题: 老外看到我玩飞机时问的问题
:em15: 1。how high can it go?
2.how long can it go?
3.what is the rang which you can control?
4.do you made it by yourself?
5.what was its price?


1.as high as you can see
2.as long as you can see
4.ON! i just buy the parts and put them together
5.the price likes a used car.about 8000yuan, the exchange rate is 6.7. you can calculate by yourself!(我知道老外数学不好:em15: )

(翻译:1和你看得一样远 2 和你看得一样高 3 8000M 4 不 买零件装起来的 5 和二手车的价钱差不多,大概8000元,汇率6.7,你自己算去吧)

看来老外问的问题和中guo差不多。好吧:em17: 地球人都很愚昧。大家以后遇到这样的问题要耐心解答哦!

[ 本帖最后由 切风40.83 于 2009-9-10 00:12 编辑 ]
作者: 天涯明月刀    时间: 2009-9-9 09:46
作者: 8_3    时间: 2009-9-9 10:05
作者: 切风40.83    时间: 2009-9-9 10:33
作者: 桐木    时间: 2009-9-9 19:49
作者: shy5imx    时间: 2009-9-9 20:12
1   好 嗨 砍 乙特 狗?
   答 哎日 嗨 哎日 油看 涩

作者: 远风    时间: 2009-9-9 21:39
作者: 切风40.83    时间: 2009-9-10 00:15
好 龙 砍 伊特 狗(升调)?

爱斯 发 哀思 油 砍 斯诶 ?
作者: 8_3    时间: 2009-9-10 10:13
作者: simplelifee    时间: 2009-9-12 09:17
作者: 8_3    时间: 2009-9-12 10:44

学会了一句:em24: 感觉有点黄
作者: 飞车    时间: 2009-9-15 19:22
How much does it cost?
A typical cost breakdown for a minimum beginner setup is:
Table 28.1. Beginners setup cost breakdown
Item Cost ($)
Transmitter 200
Helicopter kit 200
Receiver 60
Servos 80
Brushed ESC 50
Brushed motor 50
Gyro 120
2x batteries 70
Battery charger 100
Total 940
This estimate is based on:Futaba 7c or Hitec Eclipse 7 transmitter, Corona barebones heli-
copter kit, Hitec Electron 6 receiver, Hitec HS-85MG servos for swashplate Hitec HS-81 servo
for tail, Castle Creations Fusion 7 ESC, Kyosho Atomic Force or equivalent brushed motor,
Futaba GY240 or GY401 gyro, 2 packs of 7 cell Sanyo CP2400, Great Planes Triton battery
Prices will vary greatly depending on your local region.
It is possible to buy an ARF microheli for as little as $150, but as with most things in life, the
quality of the items you receive will be proportional to however much you pay.
The Romans did not have R/C helicopters but they understood the principle perfectly: caveat
作者: 飞车    时间: 2009-9-15 19:22
How high will an R/C helicopter fly?
A R/C helicopter does not balance by itself, and must be balanced by radio control. When you
can't see the R/C helicopter anymore, it will fall from the sky because it can no longer be bal-
anced. Therefore, the maximum altitude of an R/C helicopter is limited by the visual acuity of
the person flying it.
作者: 飞车    时间: 2009-9-15 19:23
标题: How long will an R/C helicopter fly?
This depends on the battery and motor. Aerobatic models will typically fly from 5 to 10 minutes,
but models which are configured for duration flight can fly up to 30 minutes. The unofficial
world record for an electric R/C helicopter flight is 1 hour and 48 minutes
作者: 飞车    时间: 2009-9-15 19:23
标题: How fast will a helicopter go?
This question is often asked by R/C car people, and is similar to asking "How fast does a
skateboard go?". A high-end skateboard is designed for doing tricks, not for speed. Similarly, a
high-end helicopter is designed for fast flip/roll rates for aerobatics, not for high cruising speed.
作者: 切风40.83    时间: 2009-9-17 06:45
作者: 切风40.83    时间: 2009-9-17 06:56
原帖由 飞车 于 2009-9-15 19:22 发表
How much does it cost?
A typical cost breakdown for a minimum beginner setup is:
Table 28.1. Beginners setup cost breakdown
Item Cost ($)
Transmitter 200
Helicopter kit 200
Receiver 60
Servos 8 ...

this answer is too long
i d better answer like this: to build a heilcopter likes to bulid a computer. the price depand on what parts you want. my heil costs 1498 dollars. if you want be a begineer of this sport, you will spend 500 dollars for 450 size. 帮我检查下有没有错哦。我英语不太好,呵呵。
作者: xuesing    时间: 2009-9-17 10:44
原帖由 切风40.83 于 2009-9-17 06:56 发表

i d better answer like this: to build a heilcopter likes to bulid acomputer. the price depand on what parts you want. my heil costs 1498dollars. if you want be a begineer of this sport, you will spend 500dollars for 450 size. 帮我检查下有没有错哦。我英语不太好,呵呵。

I'd better answer like this: Building a helicopter is similar to building a computer. the cost depends on what kind of parts you use. my heil costs 1498dollars. if you are a beginner to this sport, you may need 500dollars at least for a 450 sized helicopter.

I have fixed some typo and grammar issues for you.
作者: 切风40.83    时间: 2009-9-21 09:26
作者: xuesing    时间: 2009-9-21 10:22
原帖由 切风40.83 于 2009-9-21 09:26 发表


作者: fan19800    时间: 2009-9-27 03:14

欢迎光临 5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年) (http://5imx.com./) Powered by Discuz! X3.3