原帖由 飞车 于 2009-9-15 19:22 发表
How much does it cost?
A typical cost breakdown for a minimum beginner setup is:
Table 28.1. Beginners setup cost breakdown
Item Cost ($)
Transmitter 200
Helicopter kit 200
Receiver 60
Servos 8 ...
原帖由 切风40.83 于 2009-9-17 06:56 发表
i d better answer like this: to build a heilcopter likes to bulid acomputer. the price depand on what parts you want. my heil costs 1498dollars. if you want be a begineer of this sport, you will spend 500dollars for 450 size. 帮我检查下有没有错哦。我英语不太好,呵呵。
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