We`re pleased to present a tri-national project of participiants from germany, austria and switzerland. Since 01.15.07 about 75 developers are working to establish a stabilized camera / videoplatform.
The project is Open Source!
Aside from typical quadrocopter features as following: Wolferl PROFI-UFO V3.0 MW
- easy built up kit, despite of partial SMD assembly, for everybody, who knows , where´s the hot end of the soldering-iron
- 2 additional servo-exits to adress camera functionallity ( tilt, direction)
- 7 Hi-Power LED exits - each up to 500mA
- adjustable controller-timing , 50 to 400 Hz
- ADXRS300 Gyros (Sparkfun-modules)
- progammable via RS232 oder your RC-system
- optional : linear sensor (Sparkfun LIS3LV02DQ)
- optional : automatic paracute trigger to prevent crashing
- optional : detectionbeeper and acustic low voltage warning
- optional : GPS - support
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