If you are using a head speed calculator which requires a main gear and pinion tooth count, use 214 teeth for the main gear
(this takes into account the two stage reduction) and the tooth count of your pulley as the pinion count.
Below is a list of available reduction ratios:
H0175-18-S - 18T Pinion = ratio 11.9:1 H0175-22-S - 22T Pinion = ratio 9.8:1
H0175-19-S - 19T Pinion = ratio 11.3:1 H0175-23-S - 23T Pinion = ratio 9.3:1
H0175-20-S - 20T Pinion = ratio 10.7:1 H0175-24-S - 24T Pinion = ratio 8.9:1
H0175-21-S - 21T Pinion = ratio 10.2:1 H0175-26-S - 26T Pinion = ratio 8.6:1 作者: bigpi 时间: 2016-4-19 07:20
学习了 作者: jonehe 时间: 2016-4-19 07:25
楼上几位都说了,说明书,哈哈。 作者: inthesky 时间: 2016-4-19 08:44
小弟比较拙,还是没明白。凤凰用在亚拓里面定速时有两个需要填写的数值,1:12T,2:112。这样算出了齿比:9.333。那么问题来了,GOBLIN飞机这两项怎么填写呢? 作者: iamxmz 时间: 2016-4-19 13:01
大齿214,小齿你实际的小齿数就可以 作者: inthesky 时间: 2016-4-19 14:19