5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)

标题: No MinimOSD data until connect [打印本页]

作者: JoshuaShaw    时间: 2016-2-8 00:51
标题: No MinimOSD data until connect

I fought this same issue for days. This is how I finally got it working for my APM quad-

Use a Y cable to connect to both the Minim OSD and Telemetry radio. The OSD RX is from the APM TX splice, also 5v+ and Ground are spliced to corresponding output of APM. That's it for the connection.

The issue I fought was the following:
- Battery, voltage, time, altitude, etc. showed "zero" on my heads up display. APM was not sending data to OSD (or telemetry radio for that matter). The artificial horizon WAS WORKING.
- Connecting APM to my ground station (Mission Planner or Droid Planner) would immediately cause the APM to begin sending data to OSD, and now my heads up display starts showing data normally. Disconnecting the ground station, the OSD continues to function normally. The problem with this is I don't want to connect then disconnect my ground station every time I want to fly.

Here is how I got it to work without the need of connecting the ground station:

- Set the parameter "TELEM_DELAY" to 10 (delay 10 seconds). This delays communication attempts between the APM and Telem radio. I think what was happening is that the radio was initiating communication with the APM before the APM was ready to receive the request. So the APM never started transmitting the data.

- Set parameters per the following:

SERIAL1_BAUD, 57 (telemetry output at 57600)
SR1_EXT_STAT, 2 ( 2hz for waypoints, GPS raw, fence data, current waypoint, etc)
SR1_EXTRA1, 5 ( 5hz for attitude and simulation state)
SR1_EXTRA2, 2 ( 2hz for VFR_Hud data )
SR1_EXTRA3, 3 ( 3hz for AHRS, Hardware Status, Wind )
SR1_POSITION, 2 ( 2hz for location data )
SR1_RAW_SENS, 2 ( 2hz for raw imu sensor data )
SR1_RC_CHAN, 5 ( 5hz for radio input or radio output data )

I also tried to set SR0_xxx, but never got it to stick as others have also discovered. I understand that SR0 is for the USB, and SR1 is for the telemetry port on APM2. I don't think it is necessary to modify SR0 anyway.

The above worked for me, hopefully it works for you if you are having the same problems. 10 seconds after plugging my chopter in, I have all OSD data reporting. By the way, I flashed my minimOSD with MinimOSD-Extra.

Good luck

作者: mrduke    时间: 2016-2-8 01:57
…… what are you sayying???

作者: 爱飞行12345    时间: 2016-2-8 09:25

作者: Berney    时间: 2016-2-8 09:39

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