[ 本帖最后由 lgq5106 于 2006-2-10 17:10 编辑 ]作者: kkan 时间: 2006-2-9 23:46
看了都头晕哦作者: lgq5106 时间: 2006-2-10 02:51
0 Type of model: 0 = Plane / 1 = Heli
1.5 Motorpower: thrust in Newton
0.19 Movement/deflection of rudder in 'rad'
0.16 Max. movement/deflection of elevator in 'rad'
0.003 Aileronmovement/-deflection (wingtorsion) in 'rad'
1.15 ? 'camax' of main wing
-0.3 ? 'camin' of main wing
6.2 The way it rises, gets lift/up
2.0 ? 'dcaue'
0.008 Value of resistance/drag of main wing
0.002 Value of resistance/drag of fuselage
0.5 ? 'mue' underside
1.4 ? 'mcwue'
-0.09 Stalling point main wing (moment of inertia?)
0.06 Angle of attack of the main wing compared to fuselage in 'rad'
4.000 Wingspan in meters
0.21 Wingarea of main wing in (square?) meters
0.090 Point of CG, distance from frontside main wing in meters
1.9 Weight of the model in kilograms
0.16 Moment of inertia yaw/vertical axis
0.099 Moment of inertia pitch/lateral axis
0.08 Moment of inertia .../horizontal axis
0.094 Area/surface of elevator in square meters
0.028 Area/surface of rudder in square meters
0.838 Lever tailsection in meters
0.004 V-degree of main wing
0.162 Height of model (for graphics only)作者: htwist 时间: 2006-2-10 02:52
我确实晕了作者: lgq5106 时间: 2006-2-10 17:16
第10楼已经重新编辑,增加了本人的翻译,请帮查错纠正.作者: palm 时间: 2006-2-10 19:59
晕作者: lgq5106 时间: 2006-2-11 10:36